The effect of colostrum on the immune system cannot be overstated. Colostrum is extremely rich in antibodies to offer protection against disease-causing microorganisms, including those in the gut. It also contains a variety of additional immune proteins, such as lactoferrin and proline-rich peptides. These compounds stimulate an underactive immune system and calm an overactive immune system. Because of this, they are said to modulate and stabilize immune activity. This is a critical piece of correcting leaky gut. Only when the immune system is working properly can inflammation come under control and can the lining of the gut heal.
Immunoglobulins form an important component of the immunological activity found in colostrum. They are central to the immunological link that occurs when the mother transfers passive immunity to the offspring. The mechanism of transfer varies among mammalian species. Bovine provide a readily available immune rich colostrum and milk in large quantities, making those secretions important potential sources of immune products that may benefit humans.
A protein that is made by B cells and plasma cells (types of white blood cells) and helps the body fight infection. Some immunoglobulins may be found in higher than normal amounts in patients with certain conditions or certain types of cancer, including multiple myeloma and Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia. Measuring the amount of specific immunoglobulins in the blood and urine may help diagnose cancer or find out how well treatment is working or if cancer has come back. Some immunoglobulins may be used as tumor markers also called Ig.